USHIN Software

Ushin envisions peer-to-peer deliberative software that is free as in speech and accessible to everyone.

We are currently developing the USHIN deliberation app on top of Emacs, the long-lived, community-driven, free software editor that's fun to use and hack on!

Also check out the presentations we've given!


hyperdrive.el is an interface to hyperdrive, a shared, mutable, versioned file system for easy peer-to-peer file sharing.


hyper-gateway-ushin is a local HTTP server and hypercore node which is the "backend" of hyperdrive.el. It allows Emacs to manage hyperdrives using hypercore-fetch-ushin.


hypercore-fetch-ushin is a library for interacting with the hypercore network using the Fetch API, e.g., GET, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests.


ushin-shapes.el replaces ushin tags with ushin shapes in org-mode, a simple yet expressive plain-text format that we're exploring for collective use.


hyperdrive-org-transclusion.el is an Emacs package which extends org-transclusion so that you can transclude hyperdrive content into other documents.


org-transclusion-http.el is an Emacs package which extends org-transclusion so that you can transclude website content over HTTP into other documents.


trust.el is a subjective moderation system inspired by TrustNet that makes it easy to find sources of information you can trust.

Prior projects

Last updated 2024-09-30 Mon 21:32 PDT. History | Sitemap